To get a proofread 5-paragraph essay you will have to spend some cash. You cannot simply get a good proofread essay free
Most of the companies have their online portfolio where you can see their previous clients and the work they have done. This will give you a good idea about the company and its quality of work.
After you check the portfolio and feel confident about their work, you should negotiate with them on the price. They already are often cheap so that students can afford them. However, it is a good idea to give a try.
After you have decided a price for your paper, you should decide a date on which you want to receive your paper. Always have a margin between this date and the university submission date so that you have enough time for revisions and proof reading.
It is very important that when you are filling in the order form you enter your correct and valid information. Make sure the phone number and email id you give them is most recent and up to date. Double-check your email address to be sure of receiving your paper. If you leave a wrong email id, you will face worst consequences in the end. Beware of sites that ask for personal information like credit card numbers, bank account etc. they should be supported by a third party payment gateway and need not ask your payment details.
This last step is simple. All you need to do is login to your email account, the one you gave them. Receive your paper and download it. Make sure to run the file through virus checker before you open it. Files can contain viruses and you are never sure whether you can trust this agency or not. Do not submit your paper as is to your teacher. Carefully read it until the end and see if there are any changes to be made or if you want any revisions. You paid for this so you should check the quality and originality of the content. It is a good practice to run this paper through a plagiarism checking software to avoid any problems.